Saturday, August 5, 2017



It is common today to receive an endless stream of mail regarding how to start 'youthing' and not aging...articles and products to purchase urging us to use and stop the overall deterioration of the body and recapture the health and vigor we had decades ago.  Some products claim they have the "magic bullet" to remove both physical and mental decline off our current age.Is there really an anti-aging secret, a true key to "Growing younger" no matter what our age?  Yes, there are definitely powerful natural medicines used throughout human history to intervene in the aging process, restore many aspects of youth, resist disease, substantially improve quality of life...    Yes, if we thoroughly search, we will find that there are patented youth vitality formulas.  Life deteriorates quickly due to ignorant thoughts, choices and repetitive actions that undermine our physical and nonphysical reality. Science is now claiming it has cracked the the aging code.  Wonderful!  Yet, in reality there has only been one code to crack and that is the missing piece...awareness of, attentiveness and respect toward the power and presence of our true nature which is love divine.

We typically blame either family, gender, nationality, appearance, government, organized religion, the medical profession, technology,everyone else, and anything we can find to point a finger at and excuse ourselves forgetting that we choose and create our own reality.  Human cycles of suffering are nonstop regardless of scientific discoveries.  Why?  Nothing  really noteworthy changes inwardly for the majority of souls.  There is a way to finally lessen the suffering of life.   Years ago while wide awake, I was given a vision of a large puzzle.  The pieces of the puzzle were made of a dazzling light energy. I sat mesmerized watching the pieces slowly move together although the puzzle was 'hanging' in midair.  When the movement stopped, the puzzle wasn't completed.   I knew at that time that wisdom, additional intuitive experiences and healing must first be experienced before I would see the puzzle completed.  I've been shown this message of Light in other symbolic ways such as only seeing the left side of the Circle.  Another time, the right side of a Circle of Light would appear.  More recently, the two half's are coming closer together. The message always appear as light energy.  I trust and try.

Part of my trying is through the written word.  My words and the examples shared are  based on firsthand experiences in an attempt to raise the bar not only for myself but anyone else who is ready to accept the fact that we are far grander than we judge ourselves to be.  Could it be that we are not a finished product on any level?  Better yet, could it be that everything we seek is right here?  If so, we are right in the middle of the miracle and are  missing a vital piece to it!

In hope and joy,
Shirlee Hall

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