Saturday, August 26, 2017



I have had firsthand proof strongly impact me all my life in the areas of consciousness and the many levels of being. Scripture states  "For it is by faith that we walk and not by sight.You cannot help but admire people who believe yet continue to suffer without experiencing proof of their faith. Evidently, somewhere in my journey I began to consciously experience the mystery. There have been countless examples where I have proven what an understanding consciousness can actually achieve.  For example, a stranger living in my city unexpectedly called me one night asking that I come immediately to her home and heal her uncle who was visiting.  The elderly gentleman was expected to lead a weekend workshop in the study of human consciousness.  I did not know the man, nor his name or anything about him or how his relative found out how to contact me. 

I immediately went to the indicated location and was led to a man reclining in bed.  It wasn't until later that I discovered that he was an American physician/scientist/author/lecturer and a leading pioneer in the study of human consciousness. He was also a man shrouded in mystery.  All I knew was that I received a call to help and that is exactly what I did.  The home he was visiting for the weekend was already filled with people who had paid to attend his workshop.  All I remember being told is that the 'patient' felt as if he had been poisoned and was too weak to offer his workshop. The man staring at me in bed never said a word and neither did I. Later, I learned that the gentleman was famous and also had traveled all over the world studying 'healers' for scientific purposes.

Why do I mention this particular example of faith?  Both the giver and receiver understood that the real magic is the art of strengthening and demonstrating that thread of inner strength within.  There are many now who are ready to consciously live their inner environment of faith.  Evolution is both physical and metaphysical, not only of the body but also of the spirit.  Although science has not typically recognized enough dimensions, this is slowly changing. Souls who grasp the important concept of reincarnation understand how an individual continues to evolve through numerous and varied experiences.  Not only is there life after death, there is life prior to birth.  Accept and understand this truth and realize that we are in the body to advance the evolution of mankind.  Egyptian priests understood the concept of a continuing life and that the consciousness of an individual continued to live was true as does two-thirds of the world's population accept an ongoing existence in one form or another.  Although the Judea-Christian culture are not as open about this truth, scripture has references to Paul in the Epistles writing about the difference between the human body and the spiritual body. There are other references that have not been removed by manipulative authority figures.

Life can be magical if we consciously interiorize experience by accepting responsibility for all that occurs.  Faith increases our vibration.  Meditation, deep thought, unity and a desire for spiritual awareness raises our vibration.  Understanding comes from within.  Service, authentic love and brotherhood is a must.  Although  humanity has become very shortsighted and for the most part has lost the awareness that is rightfully ours, there are millions of us ready to step forward in faith through our desire to understand the Creator's plan, receive it and live it. Why not give up the illusion and allow yourself to be easily healed just as the example of the stranger mentioned who trusted and had faith?  All there really is is love.  Authentic love provides proof.  Also, service to others is service to one's self.  This is truth~

In harmony,
Shirlee Hall

NEW BOOK PURCHASE...Circle of Light-revisited    

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